I am dedicated to creating innovative opportunities for artistic expression through movement. Whether through my own performances, organising festivals to showcase other artists, or exploring water dance practices, my aim is to foster creativity and collaboration across diverse artistic mediums
Aurelie Freoua Resonnance at Vortex Jazz
Floor work,
Release Technique
Partner work and contact Improvisation dance.
Dance in water.
Yoga practice
Particular interest :
Cross and multidisplinary collaborations
Site specific and unusual setting for performance
intimate and close to audience performances
I am part of the collective since founded by Jessica Miller in 2015.
We empower independent dance makers through collaborative practice and international exchange.
We have curated numerous Festivals in Brighton, OOPS Festival, bringing together exceptional contemporary performance and visual artists from all over the world, with the voice of the artist at the forefront. We are artist-led and people-centred.
We’ve so far supported 100+ artists from 13 countries, showcased 85+ original performance works in 6 venues across Brighton and London, UK.
I discovered the joy of dancing in water during my travels in Mexico back in 2023 at the Contact and Flow Festival. We delved into the realms of contact dance both on land and in the water, and a whole new world opened before me.
Since then, my exploration has encompassed both shallow and deep water dancing, whether in natural bodies of water or pools, either alone or with others.
My interest extends beyond the physicality, as I explore its potential for enhancing well-being, joy, and community bonds, and fostering deeper connections.
I am eager to connect with fellow artists of all mediums or anyone curious to share and experiment collectively. Currently, I am seeking « spaces » where this exchange could take place as I am keen to establish a regular practice.
Stay tuned for more information!
Rési’dance Art’quatique
A project as part of Lausanne Jardins 2024
August 2024
images: Michael Hartwell